Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Replacing string classical guitar

Attention! When replacing strings or setting tool, hold the front deck against themselves. The combined strength tensioner classical guitar strings can be as high as 50 kg. In the case of truncating strings, it can damage the eyes and face. If you replace the strings you want to have a special string instrument (forceps, etc.) necessary to completely ease her tension. The sharp drop in tension strings may not only cause damage to neck, but you can perekushennaya string wound. To ease tension convenient to use special machines for winding strings (sometimes called - stringvindery or stringvayndery).

When replacing strings, you can use the following instructions:

1. Attaching strings to a stand (bridge / bridge).

The chart shows part of the base (bridge) and lays down some strings. Grif is upstairs. When fastening the first, second or third string, you can do more turns.

2. Make sure that the latest round of the string is at the edge of the base (bridge).

3. Attaching the strings to Kolkova mechanics.

The diagram shows how to set up the first string (fourth and fifth sets as well). The second, third and sixth string when you install navivayutsya to peg in the opposite direction.

4. After setting all the strings to adjust, use fork (wind, Forklift, e).


- Tschatelnee place the strings on the stand and push-rod. What is denser and accurate will be loops and wrap, the less time required for installing strings in tone.

- Keep track of the porozhkov (especially for slots in the top porozhke). When jamming strings in the slots can break it. To prevent jamming strings and reduce wear porozhka applies grease!

- To speed up the extraction of new strings the first time they could be forced to stretch. Ottyanuv wire up one or two centimeters, on several occasions finger along its entire length of working with a force sufficient to make it a bit divorced from the slot in porozhke and support. Once the tone reduced, string should podtyanut.

- Use special tools to clean the strings. They allow the strings longer maintain the appearance and above all do not wire "glohnut, losing its original sound.

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